Source code for pdfebc_core.misc_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module containing miscellaneous util functions for pdfebc.

The SMTP server and port are configured in the config.cnf file, see the config_utils module
for more information.

.. module:: utils
    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: Miscellaneous utility functions for pdfebc.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén <>

[docs]def if_callable_call_with_formatted_string(callback, formattable_string, *args): """If the callback is callable, format the string with the args and make a call. Otherwise, do nothing. Args: callback (function): May or may not be callable. formattable_string (str): A string with '{}'s inserted. *args: A variable amount of arguments for the string formatting. Must correspond to the amount of '{}'s in 'formattable_string'. Raises: ValueError """ try: formatted_string = formattable_string.format(*args) except IndexError: raise ValueError("Mismatch metween amount of insertion points in the formattable string\n" "and the amount of args given.") if callable(callback): callback(formatted_string)